For the New Year!

with Brak komentarzy

It says that the wishes spoken out loud do not come true, so I decided to make a list of challenges for 2018. For the first time, I think, I have New Year’s resolutions 🙂 So I can publicly declare them:

  1. Reach my Spanish at C1 / C2 level;
  2. Set in motion my project no. 1 – yes – this site is my no 1 project;
  3. Prepare project No. 2 (after returning from Peru – I will be at level 1), for now I can only say that everything is interrelated;
  4. Try to realize another travel dream: Colombia or Buenos Aires;
  5. As I have recently fallen in love with Paris – I’m flying again in February – it’s time to get to know French 🙂
  6. I want to be active in a women’s charity organization – I do not know which one, whether in Poland or South America, but it is not enough for me to transfer money on UNICEF.


To you dear, I wish you a good 2018 now. Let some of your desires and dreams come true !!

And keep your fingers crossed for success!